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Climate Promises “Klimatlöftet” at AXEL in Sweden.

Posted by AXEL Christiernsson on Jul 18, 2024 11:51:20 AM


Klimatlöftet is a project led by the West Swedish Chamber of Commerce in collaboration with Företagarna Västra Götaland. The Climate Promise is a new initiative aimed at small and medium-sized companies in the Västra Götaland county that want to reduce their climate footprint and increase their green competitiveness. Participating companies adopt any number of “climate pledges” in different areas and receive free support from experts and specialists to fulfill their pledges.

Axel Christiernsson AB has committed  to the following:

  • -Company cars will be fossil-free.
  • -Charging stations are available for employees and visitors.
  • -To analyse and reduce the climate impact of all purchases
  • -To continue work on energy efficiency and towards 100% renewable electricity.
  • -To purchase circular instead of new office furniture, where possible.

The local management team members are responsible for the pledges in each area. Anna Dahlin, our Improvement Engineer at ACAB, is the project leader.

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