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AXEL: Sustainability in motion for the new generations!

Posted by AXEL Christiernsson on Jul 18, 2024 11:50:03 AM


We have been around for over 135 years, but nothing is stopping us from reaching out to and attracting new talent. We have swung into "TikTok" mode and are producing short videos with powerful sustainability messages and grease knowledge. These might cover the basics of grease production, testing methods, and how grease impacts our planet.

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A Year of Challenges, Important Milestones, and Gratitude

Posted by Johan Stureson on Dec 20, 2023 11:06:12 AM

The world is suffering from geo-political instability. The war in Ukraine carried over to 2023 and will be a part of 2024 too. In early October, we experienced another significant conflict in the Middle East, with the war in and around the Gaza Strip. Both occasions represent huge costs in terms of loss of human lives and endless suffering.

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AXEL Americas Certifies Two HPM Products, Each with Enhanced Performance Tags

Posted by AXEL on Jun 8, 2022 3:03:24 PM

On the HPM front, we are glad to share…

ACINOL 152 HQS (US) – All Colours are now approved against the NLGI HPM certification. In addition to the HPM core certification, Acinol 152 HQS (US) – All Colours also obtained the +WR tag for enhanced level of performance in the water resistance category as well as the +LT tag for enhanced level of performance in the low-temperature category.

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We welcome Greg Schwartz as our new AXEL US President and wish him the best of success!

Posted by AXEL Christiernsson on May 23, 2022 10:25:22 AM

We are pleased to announce that Greg Schwartz is joining the AXEL team as the new President for AXEL  Americas and AXEL Royal. Greg started with AXEL on May 9 and has spent a period visiting AXEL in  Europe, before formally taking charge as President today.

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A Roller Coaster Year: Challenges, Growth, and Gratitude.

Posted by Johan Stureson on Dec 21, 2021 11:54:55 AM

Yet another year is closing on us – and what a year it has been! A roller coaster ride is a fitting analogy with all the turns, ups, and downs.

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Posted by Johan Stureson on Dec 19, 2018 6:01:40 PM

As 2018 comes to a close, I wish to extend a special THANK YOU to…

All our CUSTOMERS, who we work hard to service in the best possible way and are privileged to serve. We set high standards and it is a true challenge, in times of growth, to get it 100% correct all the time. However, we thrive and learn from these challenges and the high demand in 2018 has made us stronger and more capable going into 2019. Thank you for providing these challenges and rest assured we will do our very best!

All our SUPPLIERS, who play an equally essential role in the success of our business by enabling us to deliver finished products to our customers. The vast majority of our suppliers do a great job for which you deserve our sincere appreciation. In some cases, improvements are required so that we can satisfy our customers. Rest assured, we will work together, communicate such requirements and call for actions when needed.

All AXEL EMPLOYEES, who have grown substantially in numbers during 2018 due to the acquisition of ROYAL Manufacturing LLC. Together, our energy and capabilities will ensure that, as an organization, we are better equipped than ever to serve the needs of our customers. Your continued contribution and commitment is, as always, greatly appreciated.

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