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Lithium Grease and Market Trends

Posted by AXEL Christiernsson on Mar 8, 2023 2:25:13 PM


Dennis Eijdenberg, AXEL’s Technical Support Manager, presented on “Lithium as a Thickener in Lubricating Greases” at the European Lubricant and Base Oil Summit in Lisbon.
The presentation looked at Lithium from a historical point of view (why and how Lithium Hydroxide has become the dominant thickener in the market) and provided insight into the current market situation.
Given the trend we have been seeing in the market to shift from Lithium containing Multi-Purpose EP2 greases to specialised products meeting evolving demands, some alternative thickeners have already found their way into the market. Megatrends, like sustainability, are adding to this shift.
The ongoing process for vehicle electrification and increased need for energy storage in general, combined with global supply chain disruptions, is having a serious effect on the availability (and price) of Lithium Hydroxide.
Dennis presented on the future of Lithium as a thickener, and shed light on possible alternatives, several of which are already available.
Thanks to the European Base Oils and Lubricants Series - ACI Europe for organising the event, and for the opportunity to share our knowledge.
Additional information on trends has also been captured in the Lubes 'N'Greases article ”AXEL Predicts Lithium Greases Will Wane” by Boris Kamchev December 6, 2022.