According to Websters, Proactive is defined as acting in anticipation of future problems, needs, or changes.
At AXEL, a proactive approach reinforces our commitment to employee, contractor, and visitor safety. An example of this is our Safe Work Permit Program that covers Hot Work, Confined Space, and Lockout Tagout (LOTO). Safe work permits are an essential part of keeping employees and contractors safe while performing hazardous tasks.
Prior to a hazardous task such as Hot Work, Confined Space, or LOTO, a Job Safety Analysis (JSA) is completed. The JSA lists each job step, the potential hazard associated with that job step, and mitigation measures to reduce or eliminate that hazard. This JSA is then reviewed with all affected team members prior to any work commencing. If the job scope changes or additional hazards are recognised, the job is stopped, and the JSA is updated.
The second part of the pre-job planning process is to complete a Work Permit for the specific task. A Hot Work permit, for example, would include the basic information about the job but include items such as ensuring flammables are either moved or protected, atmospheric conditions are within range, fire suppression equipment is available and ready to use, and a trained fire watch is in place. The permit is then reviewed by an authorized AXEL employee to ensure all aspects of the JSA, and Work Permit are complete, and all safety requirements have been met. Only then may work be started.
While we find it sometimes takes longer to complete the required JSA and Work Permit than it does to complete the job, AXEL prides itself on not taking any shortcuts. The safety of our employees, contractors, and visitors remains our number one priority.